In August 2009, PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa conduct training with the team from belgium Echo engineering to improve the production quality of the Hollow Core Slab (HCS). PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa and Echo Engineering Belgium as the manufacturer of the machine slipformer to make Hollow Core Slab routinely conduct cooperation in various fields such as training, seminars, factory visits. Training conducted by the head of the production of Echo Engineering is Mr. Maarten Kremes and also Marketing Manager Mr. Marc Detournay.
On this occasion also attempted to produce Hollow Core Wall with a mixture of EPS (Styrofoam) to reduce the weight of the Hollow Core Wall.
By conducting regular training with slipformer engine manufacturers are expected to continue to improve the quality of the Hollow Core Slab and Hollow Core Wall so that these products were well received in the community.